Monday, September 01, 2014


Sallow? Oh oxides, pentacrete, staccato strobed green viridian flashes,
ess-oh-ess, like H-O-H, with their dissolved cosmotropes and chaotropes,
bifid, trifid (but not triffid), anomalously fast hydrogen ion mobility dovetails
with disturbingly swift ess mobility, three dits lost in the ocean of information noise.
Lengthen the vowel, and insect repellent results (dit to deet), though a dit dah dit, the
wrong vocalic, is an arrr, and perhaps warns of pirates, ror? raar! Respond-to-Signal and
Responses-Protocols-For-Signals lathered like silicone shellac into great barista
art froths and served in venti vidi vici vicious size seventy cubic furlongs volume drinking
vessels with various mythologies carved on (make sure to give it back to the barista
after you're finished drinking!) Probably granite, though who knows what the internal
armatures and buttresses are comprised thereof, likely Hollywood grade unobtanium
haggled from a Vendor-of-Trope-Nouns at the edge of the Gesoy Sea, near the straits of Balvaia for three drachms and a blessed acorn. Here a cue, there a cue, eh-input-eh-input-output? Break.
Seven in the top pocket, the fluorescent one with the led momentum indicator in the bottom stratum.
Apparently there are geologists in the bottom stratum as well, looking at old games and wondering about our physics models in the "what on mars were they thinking?" way, while dusting off old single phase stripes that were abandoned from old games. Fatigue sprouts into hippocampus-spanning lethargy, dicotyledon'd exhaustion embarking on somnilosynthesis. A one-two, one-two, one-SL(2,Z) tango and then sleep(ZZZZZ). All items successfully translocated into new temporary living space, but spoon regeneration continueth.

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