Thursday, August 21, 2014

Far Culture value systematics

That quavering oceanic Bardo of abridged interconnectedness? The Pharl? Glistening Gold accumulations as the zenith of wealth embargoed in great vaults thickly covered in dust and guarded by excesses of actin and myosin qua actin and myosin? Functionality becoming some still frozen image of an old, failing music box. We do not trust the Pharl, with its occasional whiffs of geodesic domes in the desert oases. (though, truth be told, we have nothing against geodesic desert-homed domes, it's just the landmark for our apprehension of the Pharl. "thar be Pharl here!")

Nonrepetition, even cosmically, an antidote which succours our discomfort with Eternal Return, counteracting those twisted and entwined genomic fears with cosmic ferocity.  The fringes of the Polynongahela (water and light and rainbows and photosynthesis and muons and didgeridoo sound trailing off into the ethereal distance of the mindscape, interconnected with sturdy metahyperreferences) like zebrastripes or cuttlefish patterns in fronds gently filter feeding on photons are what we quest for.

Paradoxically, the nonarbitrary, but not in the context of a Science classifying entities according to anatomical or phrenomic abstractions and throwing a fit at each anomaly, or Religion's deranged conceptualization of some soul-prototype in a deity's anthropoforge: a butterfly flies without care for the whims of lepidopterists and quibbles of aerodynamics engineers.

Immediacy, drenches, waterlogs, comprehensibilizes, makes manifest, accelerates, produces plenitudes of coherence, makes available. (usually láithreacht)

And the Nagunatakaschelian: I'll take a seemingly gray and incomplete obscurity with semantic completeness and clarity and lucidity of intent over a vivid swirl in crisp appareance and memomic vacuity: the visual and the symbolic are starkly different environments, and where their natures clash, stranger truths lie in snowy crypticity, like the dreams of a butterfly-in-chrysalis in diapause during the winter.

Nonimposition: we're not hegemonizing, or interested in increasing our territory. We have no especial sacrosanctly enshrined identity-conceptualization, either at a cultural or biological or memomic level. One corollary is that our arcologies may be opaque or obscure to you: we've had great contention about it either way: make the vaporous language starfish galaxies available? To whom? To those who would build empires of oppression? To those who would sing cosmic songs with them? Our shibboleth is empathy: there is, we believe a constraint, or a portico, some indeterminate transition between those empirewrights who would leave trails of destruction, and those who would sing cosmic songs. To first, we prefer the Nagunatakaschelian. To the second, the láithreacht. Now, admittedly, this leaves us looking vague and unfocused on occasion, or produces strange highly context dependent remarks from us, but when we are in greater numbers, perhaps, our blurriness may abate.

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