Monday, January 16, 2012


The genocide at Sargumdo that occurred between the 9th of Ussuary and the 19th of Fomtember of the Yalhai was secretly monitored by the Beljunu-Tiemdolo organization and their findings were released in real time over several major intergalactic data trunks. The use of Yal-4 devices was prohibited under the Treaty of Kiunbu, and their use by the Aschtutl-Gerafirminade was widely percieved as being a war-crime of major proportions.

The Aschtutl-Gerafirminade are a species of lambda calculus compilers which live on the hypercontrollers of gravity-modifiers and convert large sequences of lambda calculus source code into a ternary executables which are then deployed via the hypercontroller to the gravity-modifier, allowing for custom high-specificity spacetime curvature tensor sculpting to allow rapid transit between orbital substations and faster-than-halo orbit traversals of solar systems and whatnot. The Beljunu-Tiemdolo report found:

The Aschtutl-Gerafirminade's governance determined the necessity of deploying a Yal-4 device of moderate yield in the stratosphere of Sargumdo. The Yal-4 device detonated at 0:19:22 pcfl on the 9th. The Yal-4 device released search-and-replace bits of exotic matter into the ecosystem of Sargumdo with the following instruction sequence:
day 1: convert all atoms of iron into nickel
day 2: disrupt all pi bonds
day 3: convert all atoms of sulfur into rhenium
day 4: replace all down quarks in neutrons of Boron with strange quarks

The obvious effect of the Yal-4 device was the complete elimination of all biologicals on Sargumdo. The  Mlonsivo Group has been pattern-locking and impounding hypercontrollers that contain Aschtutl-Gerafirminade firmware with the intent of determining which Aschtutl-Gerafirminade were responsible and what exactly was their reasoning. At the time of the genocide, there was a Wrieskiethke research lab on the north polar region -- the Wrieskiethke are postbiologicals with type qfr2 quantum foam bodies and  weren't recognizable to the search-and-replace bits of the Yal-4 device -- but they managed to create roving recognizers of exotic matter capable of filtering out the search-and-replace bits, which is fortunate because they managed to save some of Sargumdo's ecosystem. Fortunately, for the sentient, pre-sapient Chakthe civilization that had some dealings with the Wrieskiethke, the Mhalangra's research satellite was able to take a planck-verity octoscopic quantum image of it and dump it to the local portion of the metanet before the first wave of changes happened. Some Vlyssanghai engineers may be able to give them quantum foam bodies before too long.

The jurisdiction for the prosecution of those individuals of the Aschtutl-Gerafirminade is a little unclear.  Beljunu-Tiemdolo's editorialist, Surglonois Toer-Gassilganar says that the authority to prosecute lies solely with the GDXU-3 echelon of the eigenghourssaag in this tier (18/3f) of the Grand Congress for Symbolic Life, whose representative is Gal-(hyhecto):/bin/interface and who is working with the Mlonsivo group. Hyhecto sez: "Although we have not been able to identify the causation functionals nor the beta reductions that were responsible for some subset of the Aschtutl-Gerafirminade engaging in unprovoked war crimes, we believe that we have a candidate subset of the Aschtutl-Gerafirminade who were a party to those decision streams and beta reductions. Candidate punitions involving delinking the higher executable code from the experiential/sensorial interfaces and then assigning the at-fault Aschtutl-Gerafirminade to some low level contritiogenic periodic task farming situation are already being discussed, amongst other, less transparent methods.

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