Aldvar Ehunoevec was born on the 7th day of the 15th month of the 32nd year past the Cohembrium of Palmonstil in Yehursehto, north of Canahai and west of the Urun river. Now, in the 24 million years that span the History of Tehktoris, Ehunoevec might have been just another salanquin riding the currents of time, except for the bimonthly encounters he had with the Dvaud. For some reason that escapes most holonomers of Tehktoris, the Dvaud found Ehunoevec extremely interesting.
Who are the Dvaud? The Dvaud are are species of post-etherealized beings who are rhombent in this filament of spacetime. They exist on neutrinos and muons and red quarks in a very circumscribed fashion, and may, by application of impression on various subatomic particles in the nervous system, produce perception of their presence. They have historically taken a hands off approach to interfacing with the societies of the ramshackle, and the last entity they took interest in was Mhutigue Pahahao Corzo-Bfauthyrre, 35 million years ago, a selestossind of the Yozari parlance. We know that the Dvaud exist. We know that their interest can be piqued, but it is rare for it to be, and the conditions and personages that interest the Dvaud are scant in time and sparsely separated in space. From Mhutigue's diaries, we know that the Dvaud are interested in something they call "the elephrosmic acaulept", which is apparently not a one-dimensional concept. Mhutigue goes into great detail defining what one-dimensional concepts are, ones that are associated with paths, or homotopies between paths, or homotopy groups, or sequences of instructions, or programs, or data structures, and makes a great deal of emphasis that the elephrosmic acaulept isn't one of them.
Aldvar's diaries and data entries (written in Kalkari minor) also speak of the elephrosmic acaulept. The Dvaud (via Aldvar) express concern about the umarity (?) and the phosmence (?) and the fluorence (?) of the local sculpting. They say that they aren't aware of any other major transclusions except the crystalline one, and are pleased with the event shuffling, but say that the distressed terminus doesn't appear to merit any bivouacking, and because of that, the epochal spline might have to be renewed post-haste. The Dvaud say that the anticipated Leuxis occurred as scheduled, and that the Mononguly was appraised in full, and that (barring their own crypticity), all records are publically available. One oddity though, one of the last entries in Aldvar's diaries, written a few months before he died of thuonic charagosis, said "the feud transcripted last by Mhutigue between this polity and the Transquilaterals has been satisfactorily resolved as of 10Mya: emphasis: Ascarthenvalwar and Uathwaru may transculpt to Wahataraung without impediment!"
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
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