Thursday, December 15, 2011

um, I didn't catch what you just said. Could you repeat that mumbling please?

Pheoboyms of 1/3rd, list:
Abstract: The following individuals have ascended to Da 3, and are no longer required to carry a Fthay:

Cerello T'noyam
Arthulbusmer Kercoggins
Vua Culo
Zaroasler Gal'Huin
Movom Martam

Pheoboyms of 1/2, list:
Abstract: The following individuals have ascended to Da 2, and are no longer required at straking rituals:

Rungile Thelestory
Arapaunec Cosidiorigua
Glufnesspoy Gesterjey
Nua Coropia

Pheoboyms of 1/1, list
Abstracct: The following individuals have ascended to Da 1, and are liberated from the ramshackle:

Gelsentua Dorpisaro
Tlymentheron Aduargru

General notes for this month: We've been having problems with the valve-trumpets, and Goss Vorvensby says that as soon as we get the next consignment of raw materials, she may be able to fashion the right valve grease. Organics are shipping at discounted costs, so when the plaza has the intermaterials  bazaar on the fifth, be sure to pick up any creams, vapors, crystals, gases, and/or any exotiques you may need. Rumor has it that squares will be forbidden to those confined to the ramshackle for the next two weeks. Hxohua Corporation may occupy a Prendergast shortly, so make sure you have all your parameterization forms in. Happy Vnoonking!

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