Wednesday, May 25, 2011

the green tungstates

Perengveroia, sundt of the Bolgeas lammerstraits, greenways of Fos Porusa, a colony of dipthongwrights and curmudgeonists, werry ray and celeritous greetings abound, by the councils of the amber hulk, a greasy spork by the side of the road, an arrant fungal cantileverist and some artilpenters were gulfing the fongencies of the utter waxfroths of Hortec. But lo', did they rarefact the lunderwopps of the greater greeling, these men and their magnificient curtailments and abrogations: a stomacher, a bodice, and some rather precise measurements do retroflect thy gangrenous offal, my perspicaceous yardwaster, an unexpected artist at an incorrect vista pens a symphony in the blood of the last member of a species of heptapede mammalianoids, zrufing and fnurling, the swan song of the heptapedes is written in crabby letters in a forgotten script of an imaginary language, mixed with the blood and lymph of the artist, Stongbent Vlarvewhurl, furious and inaccurately rendering the rhetorical devices of the Perenveroian Knights-Errant into flawed Zmyff, with broken metaphors here and there.

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