The ensconced/instanced representative of the male psyche is the(an) Absolute Unsunderable, which is a sort of superposition of potential eigengenomes across all the male gametes. The ensconced/instanced representative of the female psyche is the Absolute Ineffable. Each one of them more or less corresponds to the sort of meiotic fugue the gametes arise in. The Absolute Unsunderable counters the quality of fragmentation that the male meiotic fugue occurs in: spermatozoa are teeming, numerous, many, tiny potentials, whereas the Absolute Ineffable parallels the folliculogenesis of individual ova, and involves a different mechanism for superposing eigengenomes.
The meeting of the Absolute Unsunderable and the Absolute Ineffable is called the Congress of the Nonexistent, and there is often great confusion about its mechanism. It is not to determine who lives, instead, it is to determine who fails to not exist: the first carries with it the connotations of making choices about who gets to live and who gets to die, but this conception does not truly address the philosophical basis for the meeting, while the determination of who fails to not exist is somewhat a more tractable proposition, both in the transepistemological basis under which the meeting is conducted, and as well as being more easily attainable algorithmically (if one wants to call it that).
Opinions on the Congress of the Nonexistent vary widely. The unborn don't have anything to say about it, can't speak to us, and are as inaccessible to the living as anything gone or come from Tumbolia.
Together, the Absolute Unsunderable and the Absolute Ineffable do a dance that's called Prognosticatory Arborescent Recursion, which is sort of the "being many people at many places at once doing many things", and allows them to choose, amongst innumerable possibility trees of future life, the one for which is meant to not not be, the double negative wriggling and metamorphosing into a 'to be'.