Friday, January 09, 2009

herbs to counteract cyborg boot loading techniques

avasset! dzincua in major. barstalks charred and battenstaffed. Oh, catch me a drudgery, why wouldn't you? Vertiginously balanced on a cone in a force-potential precipice. Is it so swermy to wander acreages and villeponts on the undermoon? Pray tell me, what news of the schweiffplume? Are the Cheese Wars still being waged? Is Drontifet Mulvinsky still Vice-Arbasset of Foofaraw Junction? I have been out of the loop for so very long and my brain is so very soggy, probably a neurofluorofungus, so says my physiologist. But enough about Franklin Delano Roosevelt! Tell me about the initialization routines of a factory standard Blutveneer Cyborgus? Are the ram lacings straight and voombescent? Does the boot loader arrive at the key addresses in reverse lexicographic order or in hemialphanumeric order! I must know: for if we are to defeat the Flungian Laundry-Artists I must know these things so that in my Alchemy I can prepare a remedy, for perhaps some of these herbs I have stolen from the Scriveners of Yelvhreyl can counteract the bootloader. Perhaps some Yellow Orchidroot will interrupt phase IIA/4 of the principal kernel load, or some Oil of Zongsblossom will interrupt the device driver initialization, but I cannot predict which herb will have which effect if you remain silent, so speak!

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