Wednesday, March 12, 2008

so some monks enter a bar. the bartender responds: "what is this? a koan?"

the other monk sighs. "dependent origination"
the one monk is like "huh? I don't get it"
the other monk sighs and says there is a wholly appropriate koan

KYOGEN said to his pupils: "Zen is a man hanging from a tree
overa cliff. He is holding on to a twig with his teeth. His hands hold
no branch. His feet find no branch. Up on the cliff-edge a man shouts at
him: 'Why did Bodhidharma come from India into China?'

"If he fails to answer he is lost. If he answers, he dies. What must he

the one monk goes. "aha!"
the other monk shakes his head, and says. "the man lets go of the twig.
he does not fall. he says, in measured tones "I do not do zen", and
then chomps right down on the twig"
the one monk says "I don't understand"

the other monk says: "you are trying to assert that 'the map is not the
territory' is important, and while true, it is also vacuous: you assert
that one map is not a territory. fine. the territory can equally well be
a map too. and so forth and so on in a maze of forgetful functors: you
will naturally want to know where it bottoms out. it doesn't. or where
the root of the tree is. it doesn't have one. all of these notions are
fleeting. if I say to you "there are places that even zen cannot go",
you will invariably, like most acolytes, be curious and want to visit
them. You can easily generalize: "there are places that go cannot go",
but you rapidly get caught in a storm of mappings. It's sticky. If you
say: there is no such place, then remember that you can implement the
game of chess in go via some nifty homomorphisms. or checkers. or
tic-tac-toe. "

the one monk: "what is your point?"

the other monk: "I too, do not do zen"

at this point, the other monk, who has been climbing a tree,
finds a random branch, and chomps down on it. conveniently, there is an
avalanche, leaving the other monk hanging by his teeth.

commentary: from tomb to womb to bomb to comb: ask what the
stencil-makers decree at midnight.

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