Gestalt mentalities vary from your garden variety primate religions, to highly meditative practices which link them to the universe. Regrettably for most onctopoate sentiences, there's no good shopping guide that describes in detail the sublime bioanatomy of gestalts. In a staggeringly large variety of cases, most onctopoate sentiences never have direct experiences (it is a quirk of onctopoate languages that there is such a word as "mystical" -- which is shorthand for saying "our science and our politics are too dimwitted to properly and precisely analyze the bulk of data points currently languishing in the cultural information pools.) Nevertheless Brolheim and Helliers do a remarkable job detailing the sublime bioanatomy of gestalts which would be of inestimable value to onctopoate entities (if it could ever be produced in a non-dreaming state in an onctopoate sensorium).
Meditation which uses mantras uses the mantra speakers as signal generators. The signal is used as a clock for a gestalt. The gestalt then redistributes the mantra speaking as needed. Even religions are a kind of gestalt. Gestalts do not have to be explicitly religious to be religious. You see this kind of thing quite a bit in primate species: religions get started and perpetuate themselves through marketing: the gestalt is maintained through interpreted and reinterpreted experience, not necessarily direct in character. Therefore the members do not have the kind of direct experience required to provide equipoise for the gestalt. Individual people have a difficulty balancing themselves with the universe: gestalts provide more information for individual people by relaying more border data to individual people than the person would normally be able to accomplish by themselves. The direction of a species' development and the development of internal gestalts within that species
Meditation which uses mantras uses the mantra speakers as signal generators. The signal is used as a clock for a gestalt. The gestalt then redistributes the mantra speaking as needed. Even religions are a kind of gestalt. Gestalts do not have to be explicitly religious to be religious. You see this kind of thing quite a bit in primate species: religions get started and perpetuate themselves through marketing: the gestalt is maintained through interpreted and reinterpreted experience, not necessarily direct in character. Therefore the members do not have the kind of direct experience required to provide equipoise for the gestalt. Individual people have a difficulty balancing themselves with the universe: gestalts provide more information for individual people by relaying more border data to individual people than the person would normally be able to accomplish by themselves. The direction of a species' development and the development of internal gestalts within that species
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