Friday, September 01, 2006


Naw, Deimos sauntered in the menhir, rambunctiously sliding under the weight of manifold drumlins. Belittled daggers tossed in glee ritually corroded to please the directors tasty relatiwes. Mebbe a rebbe belaboring under the notion of free energy and perpetual motion machines saw the real cosmos rather than an imitation, thereby saving all humanity from the appetites of the Sanpsorrit demon. What a drag, eh, Monsieur Ari Archibalthasar Congreve? Oh, you know that my aigrettes and eclectic apparitions coarsely vivify the delusions or the fantasies of the uncommonweal, don't you? Managed to do whatsoever you wish? Hah! It is that sort of plenary carelessness which salt, saltpeter, or desalinated salt statues dedicated to the deities' detritus and detriment while decent folk struggle against scams and scars. Semantics astride the bellows of misbegotten woes mates with mandated mellifluttery, much to the ire of the local cynics. Talc clambors and quests for random manes slidingly arrayed by the application of anally and pedantically imprecise surveying techniques must offend one of y'all. Natteringly, Theophagus Oroxetes blasted the beadle for allaying the overauditor's concern for the missing gantry operator.

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