Tuesday, August 19, 2014

signal response amidst resource management seizure

Epr butterflies lying intoxicatorily atop skew manifold caustics that message had a shannon entropy, had I a decoder? A no need to respond immediately chirp a-ok bypassing baroque and necessary filter systems strung like baleen plates in my meme recognition phrenoanatomy. The responsivities, although, are muddled: immediate physical translocation demands various vexingly resource-management-intensive stress configurations which are inimical to more immediately instinctual "attention now would be most propitious however sidereal ambiguities not handled by quantum lepidopteran epistle" scribbled on a postit and forgotten in an ancient office lodged in a Byzantine subsystem of an bivouac three and twelve thirteenths kilometers beneath the surface of a gas giant many fortnights by municipal bus away (transfers are acceptable). Hyperpreparation is en vogue amongst the denizens of this office: the reply has already been crafted, copy edited, consistency checked thirty seven ways to Bastablon: okay, there are some slight issues with broadcast, but the holographic coherence demands that it go out in its present form. so, under such circumstances one of the office Beetles (the people in charge are called Beetles), writes a "request for enzymes", and waits and sees...

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