The Pthfireme Arilagouril (which is something both mechanical and biological, yet neither) has been thermodynamically dismissed (oublietted, really) by the Schezzor Consortium of Gaue. The Schezzor Consortium is still behaving rather dopishly: if even a modicum of cogitative wiz-baz had been employed by the menial athlunctist overseeing the Schezzor Consortium's response to pthfiremes, they would have left Arilagouril well enough alone.
Within moments (three shortest meaningful external durations), Arilagouril did what all Pthfiremes after the Tertiary Desideratum commenced do under such circumstances: a series of r-derivations.
For a Pthfireme, an r-derivation is sort of a wildly-extrapolative fugue based on the scantest of scant data. All Arilagouril had to do was one induced exchange of a qunat from the internal oblivionoid's indranet with plenum indranet -- what would be practically impossible for sort of entity class the Schezzor had in mind for the oublietting process was easy cookies for Arilagouril. While you or I would not be able to do much with a qunat, for a Pthfireme a qunat is enough information for them to get an octoscopic quark-resolution familiarity with the local spacetime within a radius of 12 light seconds. But the first qunat exchange is not what makes Pthfiremes special. Dozens of entity types can do it: Brzors, Mutteraries, Lesser Entscheidungsproblems, amongst other. What makes Pthfiremes unique is their ability to self-encode into a second qunat and induce the exchange from the (what is essentially) a singularity. They Hawking-radiate out coherently, evaporating the oubliette.
Lessons learned: the Pthfireme Arilagouril meandered past the arascpheres of Theen, and eventually lozenged with a Major Transfinitesimoid for an ineffable subduration.
The Schezzor Consortium of Gaue was rightly rebuked in the court of public opinion, and has spent many an arathaw recovering from the shame this incident caused. The oblivionizing oubliette technology was swords-into-ploughshared into a fascinating new way of making ice-cream from the echoes of lion-roars.
The menial athlunctist (one Tsulbohj Kyitganau) previously mentioned was stolen by the Pthfireme Mulmeahali, to voyage to parts ayonder.
Sunday, July 01, 2012
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