Thursday, July 12, 2012


Anuem Hie-Soetheongle lives at 9 Amuris Lane in the Toeyel suburb of the great metropolis Scherattip in the Maehlten Prefecture of the grand nation of Gisselthot, on the Continent Corisporion, on the orb Tehecture, third from the lightcandle Lomaythep.

Hoschant Armister, a Strelegue, a sentient Intercal compiler, lives at page 0xFEEDBAAC of frame  0xFF EEAABB010A9CAD0010A1A0A4BFFF1D of the ninth echelon of the Galhunhie University Hypercomputational Reticulum in Yesphragm, arthluscent to the Dirathgm of Leen.

Mary and Johnathon Smith live at 123 Ordinary Street, Anytown USA where they have 2.5 children, a fractional quadruped, and more relationship angst than you can swing the entire oxygen production of the Amazon Rainforest for the past two million years at without accidentally conflagration.

Kelkekelulenthreo Tomayalagataran lives in the refracted ant quark of a negative backwards paradox (Ortalaud's Fifth Conundrum or perhaps Le Achinette's Seventh Enigma) in the third stratum of the ninth (cosmic) Encyclopedie of The French Philosophy.

Albrechtie Sansaulargehenger lives in the Eighteenth Campaign of Lucretia Canthelique's fears and phobias, along with the rest of the Sansaulargehenger clan: they make a living fermenting the scraps that the Chocolate Monster she imagined when she was coming down with anorexia early in her adolescence. The Chocolate Monster is not something she's managed to purge from her phobome, or indeed, from her imaginarium. It goes back and forth between The Temple of Beauty in the Seventeenth Campaign (fear of rejection, social isolation, fear of loss, fear of having regerts, fear of gigantic antelopes, etc.) and the deposits of curdling ennui  in the Eighteenth, where it hibernates. The  Sansaulargehenger clan collects chocolate scraps of the Chocolate Monster -- as it walks, various parts of it fall off -- it's made from Chocolate, after all. 
The Sansaulargehenger clan ferments it into theoctiphine, a beverage which the Thulusmuks which have inhabited the cliffs in the Ninth Campaign (fear of falling, fear of incomplete photosynthesis, fear of continental drift, fear of beeswax). The Thulusmuks rescue Lucretia's various plumes (the interaction of one's self image from the fears) who are falling, being exposed to beeswax, being exposed to circumstances such as one would find in the Ninth Campaign) before it etherealizes. Meanwhile they import theoctiphine from the  Eighteenth Campaign.

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