Sunday, May 20, 2012

ceenthoy manufacturing

Sxelxthender Moehgereusel sat down at the hodging station with the blank ceenthoy and the cruver. Moehgereusel primed the cruver with the thirty four terahertz blinzing storge, until the cruver was charged. Moehgereusel placed the ceenthoy in the bridge and started shaping the cruver. He started with the diesides, removing the extra material and shimmying the curdles, polishing the cemetephs until they were completely smooth, and removing the snarf-handles and associated jesseds.

After about a half hours' effort on the sides of the ceenthoy, he started in on the cluster thruks, removing the interior snarf-handles and other assorted effluvia, ridding up the hourths and generating the comonc charges. Then it was time to test the ceenthoy. He took the ceenthoy to the testing station across the workshop. He placed it in the articulation frame of the tester, attaching the leads, and looked in the compass-gantries. One fifth, Good. One seventh. Good. Thirty four microradians on the glittergews. Also good. Oh, and the frequency response has less than one part in fifty millionth of flutter, less than detectable. At which point Moehgereusel puts the finished ceenthoy in the organic suspendant and closes the package.

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