The Pund are a species of postbiologicals who have retained human shaped bodies -- except instead of being composed from muscle and bone and other genetically determined matter they prefer some type of quantum foam (exotic almost-matter)bodies. They live for many millions and billions of years and will occasionally watch trees from seedling to felling (either by old age, lightning strike, or fungal/termite analogue attack). They are known for taking catnaps in the center of pulsars for 40,000 years and then showers in superfluid helium.
The Vlurfked were a clade of highly touch-hostile creatures, until an intervention was staged because of the involuntary/autonomic immune manufacture of Gethonklin maquettes (simulacra) by the Sagahanta, who were sliding into complacency. The Vlurfked became the Vlyssanghai after the touch-hostile phase
The Sagahanta were a clade of creatures, mostly vaguely anthropocene, whose belief system had achieved complaceny through perfection.
The Gethonklin are organisms symbiotic to primate mass mind gestalts. They look like this:
If one imagines a primate belief gestalt being like a sea anemone, then they are like clown fish to it (clown fish)
Their heads are comprised of many horns, with many eyes and mechanical speaker grilles and sensory apparatus. In the light their horns have the texture of gnarled treebark with a vague purple iridescence, but in the dark they take on the color and texture of hard illuminated christmas lights).
The Sahallangke are the clade that resulted from the union of the Vlyssanghai and the Sagahanta.
The throntear is a unit of transcendental distance, or how far imaginary something is.
The nahambe is a unit of transcendental time. Not how long betweeen events on a clock, but how long between events that have the same feeling. (such events have an affinity for each other, and occasionally sparks and glimmers of one will reach the other). One useful way of thinking about this is that it is like all of the Poincare recurrence times for everything all wrapped up in one, yet neither any one of them in particular.
Eurhimde is the third classical Phantom Tollbooth Muse: neither rhymeless rhythm or arrhythmic rhyme. Even though the world that Feffer paints is lacking in both Rhythm and Rhyme, it still has an odd kind of beauty to it. Associated with a hue of violet not found in current color bestiaries, and a region of the sensory gamut that is at present (sidereally) having its flow quenched by the (probably autonomic) immune response of the ramshackle.
A clugm consists of all entities whose particulars (nouns, map location, language) are different but for whom the feeling is identical. One particularly poorly thought out question about members of a clugm is "are they the same or are they different?". Think of the letters on the cover of Douglas Hofstadter's GEB. You have one object that is simultaneously a G, an E, and a B, but is really something much more complicated.
Urukpu refers to the actually existent, regardless of whether it exists at a 0 throntear distance or a e^67/catnip terathrontear distance from one.
urukpu apulanai: this is urukpu that can be constructed, drawn out of the imaginary by the distillation of creative energies.
urukpu thyrrine: this is urukpu that cannot be brought locally: people, nations, actual worlds
urukpu cypongbaia: this is urukpu that calls to each other. the distant and ethereal references that transcend the indranet, of interimaginaries with a fondness for each other, as if some effervescent limit set of the cosmic mobius inversion refers one thing to another. (see clugm)
urukpu altahyra: this is urukpu that is unseeable, perfectly consistent other cosmai, all mapped to sunyata locally
urukpu ayarghu: this is urukpu which is more proximal (say by the thronteareal measure of interimaginaries)
urukpu storgossil: this is urukpu which is distal (farther away)
borteldacking: the overenthusastic, imagination-disrupting process of overeager and excessive application of forgetful functors. (c.f. "but it's just an X")
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