Kalary Arapis Kelkezurn
Kozock Industries
Lavaur 123 Hyphnetheron Block 12, Module 120
c/o Routing Construct "Geskekelud 251/5/a"
Horacinzu Telmengthe Rehemta
9A/@1029b, Block 12, Apartment 3
Leortel Arcology, Orboarth
c/o Routing Construct "Helioblurred 109"
Hey Horace,
Around 2,500 years ago when you worked for Malabana Incorporated, Kozock subcontracted a solution -- a messy, complicated, tortuous, vexing, and thorny solution to the Mnehatam trilemma, which ultimately couldn't be implemented in a timely enough fashion and ended up being a washout because of the Aracaunpe disaster -- we were manning the bucket brigade between Sestoul and Bavakhril for two weeks running on very little sleep and while we didn't manage to solve Mnehatam in the aftermath -- I'm sure you'd agree our dance cards were quite occupied with the clean up and disaster remediation of Aracaunpe -- we ended up finding different long term coping mechanisms -- Blivner Kaughlu's reverse multiplexing gate away and the psychological persuasions offered to the Beadles of the Turgid Acceptability and (perhaps) the H2R project -- all of these have borne fruit, so Kozock and the Urmargu Consortium didn't need to actually collate their notes on Mnehatam and they've sort of gone missing -- but more to the point our chief of research -- Urnestina Palackind -- believes that something rather like Mnehetam has arisen again in Urselquibe. Urnestina's not completely sure, but all the hallmarks are there -- the reduced improprieties in anomalous cheese imports, the ultra-high frequency neutrino warble that's had us scratching our heads so long ago, the spontaneous annealing of several disconsolated predatory-prey dynamical systems, and a few other things beyond the scope of this letter.
Urnestina's tried the RMGA, and we've deployed H2R gantries around the affected regions and populations -- but there is not Beadles of the Turgid Acceptability analogue here. Urnestina would like you to come to Lavaur -- don't worry about the expense, we'll book you on one of those new fancy subhybrid jetties -- to tweak the solution that you came up with previously. She thinks we can implement it accurately this time: we have subpicosecond flux valves, quark compositors, and the issurgolvoi which were only in prototype the first time are in the twenty fourth spime generation and are capable of froth isolation within one part in 10^20.
What we're worried about, and Urnestine is really fretting about at present -- is that there are places where this current trilemma isn't analogous to Mnehatam, and we're fearful that applying a direct copy of your previous solution protocols won't work -- indeed, this time there's around a seventy percent chance that the load struts won't hold if the barbeque occurs earlier than we're expecting and the char grilled nitrogen tastes like coffee, which doesn't match the flavorant manifest we compiled for Mnehatam.
Wish you all the best. Hope to hear from you soon.