Gruyhoerge and Taranque Ahunthkai were the last to disembark from the dinghy. Arangustaro Plynack and Gotsolva Kerumtharo had been setting up the tents and the survival pods as Taranque looked through a spyglass at the Hyore Conurbation in the distance. Gruyhoerge munched at a sandwich and was paging through the last 30GB data chirp they'd gotten the last time they had line of sight with one of the dead reckoners, and they weren't expecting another data chirp for another couple of months. Gruyhoerge said, absentmindedly "looks like Permuk Danthelgoss finally kicked the bucket".
"How long had he been on life support? Some five years?" Taranque said.
"Six and a half after the botched superego transplant failed" Gruyhoerge remarked, looking at multidigests and other slices and foliations of the dumb.
"meh" strugged Taranque. "Looks like someone in Hyore just invented reverse osmosis water filtration".
Gruyhoerge continued looking through the chirp. A lot of ads for Maalkmook brand brain cream. Nothing really fancy.
They'd been keeping their distance from Hyore pretty easily. Being shuffle-crypsed in the local event pool meant that all of their quantum states had been redistributed in such a way that they had been translated into some high order Poincare-recurrence slicing of the cosmos and wouldn't be visible to the Epeyungspid inhabitants of Hyore -- maybe as a sussuration of leaves or some peculiar oil spreading on some water. Something well below the sensory threshold of the Epeyungspids. Taranque's 'spyglass' is actually a really complicated machine designed to examine the microstructure of the event stream in Hyore evanescently, without interfering at all. Despite being in Hyore (more or less), the environment that the team in was very odd, being a complicated mixture of deadly warm and cold spots, requiring constant movement to stay in habitable climes -- a side effect of the shuffle-crypsing. The tents and survival pods were equipped with station-keeping devices that kept them in habitable isoclimes, but it was all rather finicky equipment and required much maintenance.
The shuffle-crypsed environment slice allowed very precise monitoring of Hyore, but also meant that their rate of elapsed time happened at a metamultiple of the time flow in Hyore: namely they were moving both at 110 times as fast as things were occuring in Hyore, as well as 237 times as slowly as things were occuring in Hyore. Which means that if an event occurs in Hyore, the research team being shuffle crypsed can examine both the microstructure behind the event as well as its ramifications at once.
Gruyhoerge opened up his brain case and liberally applied a jar of Maalkmook creme to his brain. The neural accellerant amplified his brain's processing speed by a factor of 20 and he started with the current slice of Hyore events to be analyzed. The Hyore conurbation had been singled out for analysis of the numerous conurbations and promontories west of the Alhavec divide becuase it was felt by Neismour and others that it would be the best example of watching a civilization wake up.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
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