Saturday, January 07, 2012

message to the ethers

Message begins:

Low context density tensor forecast data was not recieved, emphatic, please denote further desiderata in at least v0.4 rhodoscopic encoding prior to broadcast pounce. Interrogative: did Cezelick recover anything interesting from the Umid archives, and I don't mean anything like hygrochemical diffractions or burragily loaves, but metagraphomes and/or dischordant symbologies as would have been employed by the Umid vice-regents during the Ascivilent epoch? Emphatic: the next time that the subsidiary Cone is within range of Varfullus, have them radio exchange the last valid set of kryptagons before the compromise -- I think the stellation number was 180.491 and the offset was 20, and I don't care if their decrypts have been smashed already, I just need them in each other's datapools for a postnumerary validation void that will have had to been done at Jaldarjive.

Secondly, if any of the ponnears have caught on the grid, please, please make sure that you cancel them from the pool. They may not have much effect on your daily operations, but they mean that I have to manually cancel large sections of the datapool once you dump, and that reduces the chances of finding valid exit points that are behaving provably chaotic: once I have one of those, I can disconnect the lattice gantries from the mains, and the sooner you can get to free-running.

Finally, there is a remote chance that the Planaqtil Corrohesmids may decide to migrate to Alyfiminai, if you recieve any confirmatory data bursts that you can validate against their kryptagons, you are instructed at once to make haste to Susqlehersepria. It's a two-off, but if we can manage to trade at least a coupling stent with them, I may be able to shorten your journey by a matter of decades.

Message ends. Kryptagon 140, signature 0xFEEDBAAC

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