Sunday, October 09, 2011


The ruins at Itaheum had been abandoned some fourteen million years. Condensed schrilg alloy and some thruk mostly, not things that erode easily. When Itaheum was in its heyday, small mammals had furtively scurried from building to building in search of scraps of food. Now they had evolved into megafauna: the tiny rodentlike povvobs (Churistoga tradensis) has evolved into hulking povvochrines (Neostoga arajaunensis) with jet black skin and three eyes a piece. They move very slowly, grazing on the hatzuk grass that had sprouted all over the fields surrounding the ruins of Itaheum.

The Uhu who had lived in Itaheum had done what most main sequence pombids tend not to do: rather than evolving to live only in the joyous moments in all their particular parallel universes per individual or congeal into some crystalline and sessile mass consciousness they had blossomed: as if their previous ensconcement had been a chrysalis for their current state: somehow they had managed, without much of the way of external guidance or catalysts, to auto-Uraster. There are many Itaheums around in parallel cosmoses in which the descendents of the Uhu are thriving: but this, their universe of origin is without them. Entities that are vertexes of Urasters will find that these ruins give them a strange feeling, like there is family here, and that this is home. Indeed, it is expected that within the next few thousand arapts that these ruins should be a Mecca of sorts for those who are vertices of Urasters.

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