Monday, June 20, 2011

the candidacy

In the Star-District of Krayanderthere, there are four political parties, all running for the Candidacy: this is not so much an election for a particular office so much as the style of governance. The parties are: the Thransilists, the Dradgepheurs of Gozylius, the Ethereals, and the Araphageum. Here are their platforms for the Candidacy:

The Thransilists (e.g. Crost Fronthemium, Hardcone Dtholdinem, Meteha Juraragoepe, Traktebe Bilithurum, and others) believe in rigidly structured government hierarchies with multiply distributed multipartite authority segregations and unambiguously machine parseable rule sets written for and organized by machines. They basically oppose humans being governed by other humans, because the temptations of self-interest, they believe, always corrupt people in power, and that, in consequence that it is impossible for human governments to stay focused on maximizing human happiness and contentment without drugging the masses.

the Dradgepheurs of Gozylius (e.g. Ordge Blosoons, Trinsellia Cardupon, Ververaryb Vostashire, Linsely Eratow, Iuli Rarefacta) believe that the correct form of government is infinitely corrupt: because rulesets cause the abandoning of reason and the deferment to the deontic drag, they think that government by the bribery syndicate is more effective than anything else.

The Ethereals (whose major eigenpersonality is the hyperego of Ransphondrea Urunbe Yikrejur) are as anyone sensate can make out, not so much a party as a collection of half-dreams that has been seething and roiling in the collective unconsciousness for a while, so long in fact, that it's taken on a life of its own, and because the collective unconsciousness is of sufficient largeness and grandeur, a tiny blur of it has achieved consciousness, and is multifurcating now.

The Araphageum (mostly Gonset Arruncalon, Povobe Balaheju, Tarsiste Runzugue, and Rhenthipgeus Apparungaryb) has stated in its promotional literature that it is about "A Return to New-Fangled Values" and "Low-Phaluting Uncommonweals" and "Blowing Everything out of All Proportion", and a variety of other buzzphrases that appear not to have any sort of coherence to them, though they have also stated that they found the platform that the Abject Nonsense party rather distasteful but have been effusive as to the reason for their distaste.

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