Wednesday, August 04, 2010

undersoul for the oversorority

Jerypt Fruunmoglia nespthered vaciduously at the Orlung of Plopft, neither scherking nor trampfously goodgeflonzeying the othtars of Nopt. For the Berenthfasts of Dloss and the Rielings of the Octept runzied not the Tothchars of the Lopter Gleuss. Such notoriously inept (some might say inapt) advocacy amongst the pransipfeullio might be mistaken for unabrogated suspicion or unaboriginal delactation. Orzphrey and Bibdellious didn't have much in the way of charms, I thought, leaning against the castle walls, staring at the trails of comets and other astronomical obscenities: Gerg B'Phreon and his wallumpset Veroxjre arpled the diphycthemes, the needy mammals amongst the braingrass. The hermit Vardgemyuung norbiferiously untled the remaining strembhjurs while the Lonnok of Totling undershnergled the Lipfenniums of Brozmoar Green: folly and inconsiderate transmicrophonations littered the echoscape of the valley, knoptling and voondling most yercipitously, while the lazy knokkets of Lady Breadwurst Undermuffin did peal against the morning wastrels. Gavvey Thropfaire and Mulndzey Harraur-Neuffbatain didst their cry of derision at the Stratvunsels of Gween, while the Shulley-Trumpfedors of the Wunceponzil uttered demented sighs of deep and inviolate dissatisfaction. Aradzo Trilicon and the Londers of Yulk did their best to ignore the palpable symphony of confusion. Neither did a wheezing bee nor did a galactic mockery didst dissolve their cacophanation!

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