Tuesday, August 03, 2010

bismuth rink shenanigans

The thin neutrino trails skeetered out by the time you'd reach Dvuung or Plerebsty, and Yarweng Apphoabsto didn't have time for counting her blessings: it was that kind of day, righteous, blundering, uncertain, sky-gray and dizzyingly imperceptible, like the sort of torque that might get you in trouble at the bismuth skating rink when your partner is doing a quadruple reverse bucky spin and you've accidentally forgotten to chalise down your galligaskins with goat grease. Yarweng's friend, Klystreung Vraspungtans cheered her on as she accidentally collided with a bispterafb on the trolley, skortling tons of tea-cozies and wunnupts everywhere, though it was obviously the bispterafb's fault for not looking where it was going. The bispterafb said in its mechanical voice: "this unit apologizes for not paying attention to the lagrangians of all particles in its vicinity, and offers compensation in the form of a broiled shank of maluurmsbeest, marinated for 18 hours in zugzwang oil and mrarange". Yarweng kicked the bispterafb's exhaust ports in frustration. What a depressingly non-turing complete mechanical contrivance. Or non-turing test-passing. The bispterafb then made its way to a recharging station at the exterior of the rink. Vraspungtans skated to Yarweng and helped her to her feet. "Stupid bispterafb. Why do they let those machines on the ice at all?" she complained. Admittedly the bismuth rink was forty times the area of a water ice skating rink, and the rink proprieters thought they could make an extra sheyng if they could sell people maluurmsbeest teriyaki and varontlebird kippers. Distantly, a radio steam trolley exploded. It was going to be a bad day...

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