Sunday, May 24, 2009


Arvila imagines that the communication between the Alvar (or the Valar, depending on your local argot) who are high-frequency (hence 'whiny' or 'pissy', like orange juice or urea or the Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen cycle in a star) and the Cosmic Feminine Principle (which is nameless, timeless, Fourier-Inverse-Dual, and linguistically) dual to the Alvar, whose ministrations inside the cores of pulsars (both toothbrushes and neutron stars) are well known, are done primarily through kything -- necessarily two timebound clusters of entities who would wish to coordinate the dance of creation, perpetuation, and destruction -- should prefer a method of communication not merely monombent from, but diombent to the current nahambe.

Chronoskedastically (*we* thank Madeline L'Engle for the term), kything and telepathy are very different monkeys. Telepathy is like the artful arrangement of fortunes in Chinese over a telegraph wire. And my brain is up, so more later when my hands aren't so out of it.

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