Thursday, February 19, 2009

irrigations aplenty

Four and twenty light words, staked in a rhye. A day past eight with five to go. Where did the Muttering bird come to roost. Askance an unasked question in pelargonide fury. Once, deus, twice, deux, thrice flew and then the many monkeyed tree of the everlast had its own excission point. Five four, five eight, how many times did I pause, did I revolve in anterograde motion, did I collect the precious essential oils of the tardigrade. Oh, lo, mayhaps a past prance gave me an unadorned reliance on vegetation and obstreperously mineral material. Clades of Ironmonger and Cheesemonger and Chessmonger delivered me a memory crystal in /tmp/brontosaurus. The source code I was haggling over was penned in Basque on the tanned hide of an Baluchitherium (or was it a Dvandvatherium?). Ask not what you can do for your Borough.

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