awaiting the utter transition from here to there allows one to see that the notable thing about a prescient banana is that the capacity of a prescient banana to map the precincts of reality without having a banana in the sack is not a dynamic that is allowed under the new principles of chaos that were recently published by the Chaos Publishing Group, a wholly imaginary organization founded in Sepab in the Year of the Duck, 1930. It is for this reason that many of the accolades that have been accumulated by the monstrosities that dithyramb in the binary lemon make the stale ribald prose encumbered with chaotic filaments and these filaments are not so insouciant that they are the debators of the significance of feminist literary theory to Mr. Limbaugh's pilonidal cyst and therefore the dynamic momentous parenteral limonene molecules which are deposited by the spirit of the age are rendered incomprehensible at a moment's notice because the spectral authorship clause means that one of the ten menhirs that was deposited at the world's edge wasn't something that was precipitously permitted by the district beadle of Fronsleigh and therefore the monster who had the jannissarry in the sack was not a representative colluder with the....
Bet the transition can occur without warning or warthogs or suchlike and then where will the national symbol party be? I think that the monstrous registration of braless women that the adjuncts perspired in perpetuity made the mastery of the frontispieces bearable and therefore did the castigation of the bananas made good on their promises because the height of the photopolarimeters became a mastery symbol of the silliness factor of the wildebeests and therefore the people whose sexual tastes included riding crops were elevated to a level of authority because they had to ensure the retinal health of their partners without so subtle an assignation and were announcing correct routing tables to the cosmic bgp mapping in the sky because the necessities of precision made the damnable affectation which their kink brought about into a furious act of precision uvularly like a typographical edema that does not subside until the fonts are arranged appropriately and the serifs are made to mechanical wholeness that is required of the finest of documents which is demanded of the greatest appearences which demands that the person composing the document know how typefaces work...
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