Thursday, October 25, 2007

thecaea and or the end of the fnoontificus

Those Hurried Penguins have a millionfold chance of being attacked and attached to by binary things affectionately not well known by theoretical characters and the theory of fire might preclude the offering of the quasijuxtaposed drumlin and because of the thus and such theoretical construction no evil would originate from the biological lamination and that's because no one in the vicinty was going to directly translate the mention affectation of the prior remembrance additive commutations of karma might have been understood as a corroborating rather than an interfering thing and because of these assorted metamental phenomena we have a kind of neurological foliation that hides the importance of the iterative and places the focus instead on the power of the
metaparanecromantic and because affection underlies the messages that the Quonthirids are attempting to relay to us we feel that it is rather empirically justified that our reasoning is free of the assumption of parity: we are not cowards and will not back down from our position. We feel that the allure of our position makes it startlingly clear what pretenses we are willing to entertain and also what illusions we intentionally contaminate our thinking processes. In the short run we only have our own beliefs to edit and those uncertainties within them are of sufficiently minute magnitude that we much prefer to rely on the certainties of those parties we can verifiable determine to be completely out of their gourds. It toasts ocular respect gone and tepid: the chances that we have taken to achieve this position are unenviable but we firmly and decisively believe that the countercurrents of cured nostril gas that presently percolate through the network of gaseous canals and buttress the steam tubes might have better application thrusting and bursting with conduits of information flow.
It is the uvular and the unimaginable that provides our vigil with much of its inertia. For if it weren't for the continuous and mendacious effort of our researchers you would be seeking an alternate source for your daily helping of sulfurous mash and bread. Against the tide of reason have our researchers toiled, buttressing paradoxical and incomprehensible project reports against the deadlines of all our yesterdays.

CHanging the apposition to opposition reveals that one or two of the people involved in the whole enterprise are continually uncertain about the specific application of the binary protocols and we wish that the methods that were discovered were ones that could be applied by all involved in the project. If a scroll or network energy machine had been deposited at the other end of time we would have had to scrimpt and scrawt and determine once anew what our intent and purpose was: these could not be determined in retrospect, they must have been declared at the beginning and come whatever may those declarations would serve as exact descriptions of the activity performed and perforated.

I believe that the weird is abundant and that the questions affecting many will be answered in the appropriate way at the appropriate time by the correct and confirming parties whose desire for parity might obscure the dimmer stars. Caring not for the ire of the diseased neither with intent to inflect the cosmic pronoun or echo spuriously on the cosmic parcheesi table I would have to offer that the questions and abilities which were noted and the disasters which were prevented by the scope of the bird's radiant odors could have been stopped if the sun had set just a few minutes slower but such was not to be. We would have to wait for the et cetera clause in the cosmic message to be fulfilled and then perhaps wait another seventy thousand years before a glowing green portal was to open in the center of the city that will be known at the time of the opening of the portal as "Krultenga-y-Nosphairengene".

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