Friday, June 29, 2007

nasturtia in the skeingas

the thing about malfunctioning jars of what-have-you say-I'm-Miss-Anduparana and tell me that life's all jumpy-jivey electromechanical is that I'm not going to have something for you when the time comes like a coherent explanation of what just happened. I'm going to be splitting infinitives like the voidsauce and wondering why my xterm just vanished. What about the mechanics of vanishing? Does anybody write about those anymore? A few torn off pages from Dyyksgraund's "Visual Apparations of Various Materializations and Dematerializations Compared and Contrasted"

"in a moment, the Viceroy Queen Lady Entwistle-Cannathundip became like a luminescent crimson vapor, which became at one with the resident universe. I saw, good chap, what was that? A dematerialization! Oh, so I shouldn't be afraid when the Martian, Marvin, zaps me with a disintegrator ray? You say to me that I should, suddenly, because there's no way that I'll be reintegrated because such rays do not maintain coherent quantum mechanical phase spaces which is tut-and-tut equivalent to saying that they've been irreversibly transmogrified into smithereens."

We note that the above character meets his fate at the hands of a Mark VII Balgoup and Hengrove metaphrenic dismodulator ray fired by an irate narrator.

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