Monday, January 01, 2007

more mutterings

"... Carasweldgnahe antrempofzag asonclesse anyndrearhin dozmois u'lamparo theumas mahacryptais havouresis ferruly arnhenga dilleprouze azimun drandgepedran uzqe niorzem bal anhannehuve derzoran nogo dizunculi boen atauverre eryjoehvs bel drunnen tartomid vol'va
salmitropan astransgentian cin hollihoedreon amhaug jruzqwaysche dolpidro noehzhoi dunnet esprungum balispliris ehai nahengene eurhimde[4] jengeuear adhorinhe dzombe greungeon anhingas yelhirne ashokare belbillispin dysploris auhembe droyario aninculire ehaia jhengerai apilontophor dzeunxes tirincore ahaia avelvenirion dodenculi abhai dazdenzarpore doxynde jeunhe vovarin kellenga[2] harhimporaron esshai cingive mynzarevei daldroparin omhomen billabole hilule nahambe[3] zengheia hinzifloen dasmenin goronculi mahatryptahaia ahonifare jaspanellongis deldispafar ahare geverrengea aspingoa hohengafar gyngoehe xerynxe[1] dilhongiflora anhome uzqen a'lorzano juntheungil holoploraga?"

[1] A xerynx is a species of vyrhex, specifically Vyrhenxes xerynxior, otherwise known as the Sparse Iridescent Thistled Vyrhex, Henrietta Jaljuxe's Spectacular Vyrhex, or, to the native Arhaxen of the Greater Zervuli peninsula as The Quasi-Animal Which Emerges From The Chance-Plumes When The Night Is In The Third Purple Frond And The Catnip Frog Hibernates, Oh Ohonckoa, the Lemon-Bifurcated Astringent Tea Parity Bribe Engine Which ululates on the Transrational conductor in the Wavy Pentagonal-Odor Gravesieve, amongst other and various denotations and epithets. Despite the outcompetition of most species of vyrhex by parabiological Grothendieck-Teichmuller groups imported from Gondwanaland, the xerynx is actually doing better than it would be had the spurious groups not been imported.

The diet of the xerynx is rich in potassium, vitamin B17, deuterated ethanol, tritiated citric acid, fourteen dimensional wildebeest event sheaves, defunct French philosophical concepts, deoxygenated mafipulated phlogiston, sulfagne, xenon, GABA, water, antimatter carbon, Zervuli wharvethrushers (both the smectic, symplectic, and quasinematic varieties), dhyana phosphatases, iridium boride, hydrogen, and ennui chlorates.

[2] A kelleng is worth (k+48)/cos(12-k+1) wonzlos sterling, or 1.28179381011e-49 octavian pence.

[3] A nahambe is a unit of measurement equal to (e^sqrt(bet_9)) metaparasangs/joule, roughly 1.1180019491 yoctokalpas, or an eighth of a gregorium.

[4] The act of eurhimde is to violetly stave the rindwreathes harking betwixt the vexing hopefroth undergnarlingly approximating the ghostgrease beneath the grainflows while shudderingly overfoaming the bosonic bass chord in turbid and intentionally precise misapprehension against a (3,4,-0) comment cloak without birefringing the blue wreathpleat. It is not used metaphorically above. The bound ossar is "eryjoehvs" and the resolvent is "jruzqwaysche" (which is used metonymically and paraleptically but not analogically). The base point referent is "avelvenirion dodenculi abhai dazdenzarpore doxynde" and the migration curl coordinate system establishment tensor is given by "geverrengea aspingoa". It is worth noting that the Carsten-Heyzsler comma does not include the deity orgasm, and that the trees were most definitely very satisfied, but the wrengos disclaimed their lack of satiation most vociferously.

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