Tuesday, September 12, 2006

a brief summary of some famous bad ideas

Who could forget Simon Tbuntog's Diseased Paradox? Or Martin E. F. Whunkwheeze's Mistake? Or Georgina Saint Clymon's Insanely Stupid Concept which was accidentally released from the laboratory and caused half the residents of rural Chicago to become electric bees for two weeks until a crack team of semantic engineers from the EPA rounded up the idea and blasted it off in a rocket to space? While famous, their effects are somewhat like beetles, quick to spoil and very bright in shiny light. There are lesser well known bad ideas which I wish to mention, so that some of the young'uns amongst y'all won't be permanent orange-laces. There's Silas Congreve's Utterly Malpremised Syllogism, which gave Apricot Yallaby a case of adamsappleosis. And who can forget Noreen Bleenglewhort Johanson's Completely Malfunctioning Analogy which was applied in the Desparitions War by the Bolw-Syllons army to shocking and inhumane (and subsidiarily and more ignorably inhamsterane) effect? Or Hornas Almsby's Accidental Transposition which cost the lives of forty electric tardigrades in the Belgian Merchant Marine? Errors range from the ascetic heights of Irving Dendo's Subtle Binary Straw Indexing Gaffe to the lascivious obviousness of Natronkle Munckewort's Blatant Exipurugious Flamsteed Impropriety. The range encompasses the brilliant clarity of Sylvia F. Wrunkwright's Stunningly Transparent Error to the murky turgid blurriness of Salmitropan Syzgenda's Diallylsulfylhydrylminiskirtamine Disaster, which was proven conclusively to be a non-mistake by Silas Linderby in the year of our Gouraud 201,501,775,091 U.E (Usperime Error)

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