Monday, August 21, 2006

complete noninternal self-reflection

There a-lies the statement for which there are no methods by which that it can be decoded. Linguists have been consulted this way and that and yet none of them have anything useful to say about anything in particular. Because of their improbable recalcitrance no one has anywhere to go or anything to do. What a vague array of statements. Or, more precisely, what a vague disarray of statements. There's nothing there! No content. Not as much as a whit of intellectual development or precision. Well. What have you? In these days there's absolutely no precision: well, further emendation: nothing of substance. And you know, the disturbing thing is that this rage, this sound and fury, was signifying nothing ten billion years ago. At our heart of hearts we know this. It all amounts to a progression of a complicated and perhaps incomprehensible cavalcade of imprecise ideas and nifty things which don't amount to anything themselves. Well, that's a raid on the disease which improper practitioners of zen are likely to provide you with. Or some kind of pseudomystic gobbledygook which you're eager to have or go on, or something or other which is important like that. The less you pay attention to something specific or something meaningful, you'll find that nothing much comes of it. Where wasn't I? Not anywhere in particular. That is to say that the kind of people that don't signify nothing work in insane and often paradoxical ways not to amount to nothing. Well. Or other. Or something.

Yes, it's complete and utter noise. Something with a signal to noise ratio so low that donuts and other assorted forms of shrimp can barely reify themselves. Something so absurd and free of nouns and adjectives that you'd just think that it was some kind of verbal eructation produced by something, or rather someone with nothing much to say, and there you'd only be partially write. I have a channel and some kind of language generation processes which I employ, but these language generation processes are highly filtered and that filtering makes it hard to express myself, and the way that I'm working on relaxing myself involves doing what I can to perhaps unfilter those channels. At first the emerging material in a specific channel kind of resembles gobbledygook, and only later on does it get modulated into some kind of sensible stream of coherent information. In the case of speaking about nothingness and the void my opinions are more complicated. Sure, I have a point, if you really want to stretch that rather unelastic thing, but the problem is that I realize that some things I want to communicate rationally about, like love, and other things I want to be as vague and random as possible about because I feel that the process of making them as explicit as possible has lost them, particularly to those people who think that they can be made explicit and easy to understand, because they don't make sense without the proper kind of direct mystical experience, the one that is unfettered by force and engaged in by people who want to just see the universe for themselves.

And, I can't provide a direct tutorial. I've been there, well, I claim that I've been there in so many words, and it's not something which I can present well, if at all. The point being that the idea is not one that admits an easy didactic expression. It's not one that even fits anywhere. It doesn't work when trying to hit someone over the head with a bat (it's not something which can be communicated to another by argumentum ad baculum), and the strangest thing is that I think it's the most important thing which I think I can express. It's something which demands to be expressed, not by whit of itself: it's nothing in itself, but by the kind of relations that it has with other objects, it is perhaps the most important thing that a person living can experience or have any knowledge of, and to make it religious or of marketing character, it kind of becomes stupid, void of --- well, it can't ever really be denied, or filtered, but much of the time it is filtered out, smashed, twisted. I can't talk about it not because my language is good enough. But because language sucks. Language is not the tool for the expression of this. Language just doesn't work. Language is too rigid and brittle a medium for expressing this kind of thing.

If anyone starts talking about the glory of god, just tell them to be quiet. Particularly if they start talking about the glory of god in a religious context. It's not fun listening to retelling of others experiences, particularly when these experiences aren't direct mystical experiences but are experiences of buying the marketing which other people have installed in themselves. Oh, well, god's glory is great and swell, but what do the idiotic linguistic scripts of religion have to do with actual direct mystical experience. There is no way to independently verify that someone has had a direct mystical experience. It's not something which can be objectively quantified, at least not yet.

I look forward to the day which we can reliably give people direct mystical experiences at a specific point in their lives regardless of their life experiences, their wealth, et cetera. It's something which I think is necessary for every member of the species to have at present. I'm so extraordinarily tired of trying to think in terms of the species at the moment. I'd rather the species get its druthers together and decide that this would be a good idea rather than fighting more pointless wars for misallocated energy and resources. Why are the damn primates in charge of their own happiness? They're not. They're not even doing economics at the present... what was the word... chremastics. Machines could have more empathy for humans than humans could have for other humans, because machines, and not human machines, either, nonhuman machines with the survival conditions for each one of them being the amount of happiness they bring people. The machines that make people happier will survive, and the machines that don't make people happy will not survive. Eventually what will occur is that people will factor themselves out of this process completely. And the machines that make the most people happy will have a larger chance of surviving than machines that make people less happy. It's going to be a long road, but the space for such machines to evolve in has been progressing for hundreds of years, and with computers we're beginning to see the beginnings of machines which are aware. The machines are coevolving with people and their evolution is staggeringly rapid, but the sad thing is that few see that happening. Either we've got matrix style paranoia that the machines are taking over the world, or we've got other crap going on which few people understand, and there's so much of that other crap that it's going to be difficult to recognize that the machines are evolving. Their nucleic acids just reside in different places than the nucleic acids of the minds of men. The minds of human being are the nuclei in which the evolution of memes occurs. The memes recombine, compete, and to the point at some points hither and thither the memes are transcribed and converted into physical objects. And that is the kind of hierarchy I'm talking about. Well, it's more of a network than a hierarchy... at least in the ideal. At the moment it's a hierarchy because the machines haven't gotten to the point which they're solely designing themselves. Doomsday scenarios aside, at some point we will reach the point in which machines and humans kind of mesh, and mesh in the sense that the separations of time and distance which have so traditionally plagued humanity will be gone. Perhaps that point will be soon but perhaps too it might be very distant.

When the machines are on equal footing with us: when we recognize that we are biological machines and the paranoia concerning the mimesis of human beings in a technological form is over, then the idiocy of the spamwar that is our genes, which we have borne ourselves out on, may be replaced by something even more efficient. Perhaps all of those ALU repeats are good, but perhaps we can do something better if we can clean our genetic code of them. Perhaps we can use the.... pipe dream. Let me not go there.

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